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Performance Program


(Opening)A performance that announces the beginning of the festival and kindles the atmosphere
(Closing)A large-scale performance that remembers the resonance of the festival and looks forward to the festival of next year

Performance: Shamanamasha Ryuandfriends Republic of KoreaContemporary Dance

공연정보 게시물 목록이며 날짜, 시간, 소요시간을 제공합니다.
Date Time Duration of Time Location
05. 05. (Sun.) 1500 40m Forest Plaza
05. 06. (Mon.) 1800 40m Forest Plaza


The performance shows the process of reaching the state of ecstasy and selflessness through dance. We put our hands together when we face a situation where we cannot overcome by ourselves. Shamanamasha is a prayer and play using the body which creates the energy of life. The energy of life creates special experiences by stirring up the lives of different people.


Ryuandfriends is a contemporary dance company led by contemporary dancer Ryu Jang-hyeon. Their motto is “all beings have an infinite potential.” Ryu is transforming ordinary things into creative and novel motions.