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Performance Program


(Opening)A performance that announces the beginning of the festival and kindles the atmosphere
(Closing)A large-scale performance that remembers the resonance of the festival and looks forward to the festival of next year

Performance: Child-Club DJ SEFO, DJ LOKI Republic of KoreaDJing

공연정보 게시물 목록이며 날짜, 시간, 소요시간을 제공합니다.
Date Time Duration of Time Location
05. 04. (Sat.) 1830 30m Water Plaza Gazebo
05. 05. (Sun.) 1840 30m Water Plaza Gazebo
05. 06. (Mon.) 1830 30m Water Plaza Gazebo


The DJing show has been performed over 1,000 times so far, being well received by children. They encourage children to move their different body parts and focus on forming a bond between family members. Through this, they help children develop their emotional intelligence.


DJ SEFO and DJ LOKI specializing in children’s activities present an enjoyable moment for everyone under the theme of happy energy and participatory performances. They deliver positive energy to the society by applying EDM to various spaces for people of different ages.